I do believe that Earth has a natural heating and cooling cycle, and I also believe that human activity has extremely accelerated this heating portion of the cycle.

We can look at the case of smog in Los Angeles. Smog is caused by a mix of the exhaust of internal combustion engines (primarily automobiles) and sunlight. Los Angeles displays smog so well due to the vast amount of cars on its roads and its intense sunlight. Smog is harmful to life, causing eye irritation and scratchy throats.

Studies and headlines including “Arctic likely to be ice-free by 2050 despite climate efforts, new study says” can really show the incredible predictions of life in the future. This map shows the equivalent of Louisville predicted climate in the 2080’s in today's climate. It would be the same as northern Louisiana, less than 200 miles from the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.


So, what solutions can be made to fix the greenhouse gas emission crisis? Well, it’s difficult. Our world as it is now is not set up for reliance on electric means of energy as opposed to means related to the burning of fossil fuels. The biggest way to put a dent in reducing the carbon footprint now is . I believe the main factor to be thought of is cars. The only way to really get the shift of internal combustion to electric into action is by generational change. I don’t believe the jump could occur significantly enough with people alive as of now, since our minds are made up that internal combustion engines are the most practical way of transportation. And, for the most part that is true. Charging stations for electric cars are far and sparse, and timely too. This compared to gas stations, requiring a few minutes to be fully “charged” and with a station just down the road from the other one.

But, newer generations are really the ones that cause change. They’re influenced in their younger years and hold those taught values all their life. If they are taught the importance of reducing climate change, maybe something can be done in the coming years.